Stimme der Orthodoxie ((ロシア語:Голос Православия) means ''Voice of the Orthodoxy'') was a Russian orthodox magazine, published in Berlin by the Berlin diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. In the years 1952-1954 it was published in the Russian language, then in German from 1961 till ceasing publication in 2004. == History == Founded in 1952 as the Russian magazine "Голос Православия". The journal issued monthly (first number issue was published in January). Edited collectively (editorial secretary in 1952-1953 was Alexander Shishkin). The order of the material was basically the same as in the "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate". Each issue begins with the official part. In the official part of the printed messages and treatment of Patriarch Alexius I of Moscow and Archbishop Boris (Wik) of Berlin, as well as orders, award lists and other documents on the Western Europe Exarchate, information about the episcopal church services, inter-Orthodox and ecumenical contacts, news of various Local Churches, mainly from Albania, Poland and Czechoslovakia. In this section were published the "Regulations on the management of the Diocese of Germany" (1952. № 7), "The situation of the Western European Exarchate» (1952. № 9/10), the act of reunification with the Russian Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Mstislav (Volonsevich) (1953. № 8 / 12, see. elsewhere in this issue of his article "Why I went from Karlovians?"). Constantly in a special section published sermons Berlin archpriests Dimitry Kratirov, Andrey Rastorguev, Arcady Zakidalsky and Victor Kostin, Archpriest Michael Belsky from Paris as well as the Metropolitan Nicholas (Yarushevich) of Krutitsy (1953. № 4/5; 1954. № 1, 2/4, 5/6), priest Peter Gnedich (1953. № 8/12). Some of the rooms allocated column "From the Life of the Orthodox parishes of the Diocese of Germany", "Church Chronicle", "The Church Life", containing materials of local church history. The journal copied articles from other Russian Orthodox magazines, both pre-revolutionary and contemporary such as the "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate", "One Church", etc. For each issue were attached pages of the church calendar. In 1954, the publication of the magazine was ceased. Since May 1961 edition has been renewed for a German language under the title «Stimme der Orthodoxie» already as an organ of Middle Europe Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to "acquaint readers with some moments in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, and in the first place - with the church life of the Orthodox parishes in Germany, as well as the life and work of the Exarchate". At the same time the task was "to strengthen contacts with all Christian churches and religious organizations". 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Stimme der Orthodoxie」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク